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To be perfectly honest, I’m not an adventure sports addict in the way you are thinking. I’m more of an admirer from the sidelines. Ever since my 17-year old daughter competed in a 120km, 24-hour race, the bug has bitten. This amazing adventure race consisted of 15kms kayaking, followed by 75kms mountain biking and 30kms of trail running - all whilst orienteering their way around the

Hitler’s-Revenge, Music-Box, Never-ending-story, black-neck-pass and some other names not suited for public mediums. These are the jargon that belongs to the Roof of Africa and which is standard vocabulary among the veterans, the elite riders and many other riders who either completed or is still planning to complete this enduro event. Stories of the Roof of Africa are mostly colourful tales of the training before the

Enduro Peace of Mind Motorcycle enduro races bring many happy moments and many different experiences to an enduro family. For the rider, it is a personal challenge or a race to win the championship. For the support crew, it is a hurry-up-and-wait game. For the family back home, it is a long wait to hear the outcome. For everybody supporting the rider, it is a mix

Adventure is high in demand. Extreme sports are growing. Riders, runners, cyclists, swimmers and other disciplines are pushing the limits further and further to complete events in hostile and remote regions.  Entrants, support crew, organisers, sponsors and hosts all have one common interest and concern…  safety. The safety of the athletes remains a top requirement together with the value in sharing progress and event results with

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